Lovermost Magazine

Love Of Art in different SHAPEs; ....... Avantgarde, Haute Couture, Music & Roses

luv is luv

Kategori: life


Kategori: x Photo

<3 <3

something more

Kategori: x Music

If You haven´t find a Miracle... Become One!
"I know there's something more,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day, Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,
I know there's something more,
I know there's something...."


Kategori: Love Of Roses

O var nåt annat namn,

Vad är ett namn?

Det vi kallar ros 

Skulle ju dofta lika underbart 

Vad den än hette...

 (Ur William shakespeares´ Romeo och Julia, där Julia sörjer sin och Romeos släktfejd.)

Photo #1 by Kurtis Garbutt


Kategori: life

Never ever give up  
 Go on.

Never ever give up
/ <3

Do you heART me baby?

Kategori: x ART

Don´t be a cloud on a sunny day...get what makes your heart beat faster.!


Kategori: life


Finnar!! ###

Kategori: Tips

 artikel i angående finnar o dess uppkomst . Stämmer, stämmer ej?


Kategori: x lyrics & quotes

If you snooze you loose!


Kategori: x lyrics & quotes



Kategori: life

To live your Life away from someone you Love is a bit like breathing without lungs..

Want something?!

Kategori: life

If you want something you´ve never had...-Do something you´ve never done!


Kategori: x lyrics & quotes



Kategori: x lyrics & quotes

When you´re afraid, be brave & digg deeper
  Do what you were born to do! Find the passion inside you!  
"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!" - John Wayne
 Fear doesn´t shut you down
it Wakes you up!
Wake up , Be brave , Thank God it´s friday !
/ Domitila

You and Me the Lucky Ones

Kategori: x Music

Let's get out of this town, baby we're on fire
Everyone around here seems to be going down, down
If you stick with me, I can take you higher, and higher
It feels like all of our friends are lost
Nobody's found, found, found
I got so scared, I thought no one could save me
You came along scooped me up like a baby
Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones

Up in my window...

Kategori: life

Your soul has taken up residence in my body,
my love has settled in Your chest
I will love you forever and ever
cuz babu you´re the best

Cissi Sandström

Kategori: x Photo

 Photoshoot med Cissi Sandström


Kategori: life



Kategori: life

What you see in others is a reflection of what you identify within yourself