O var nåt annat namn,
Vad är ett namn?
Det vi kallar ros
Skulle ju dofta lika underbart
Vad den än hette...
(Ur William shakespeares´ Romeo och Julia, där Julia sörjer sin och Romeos släktfejd.)
Photo #1 by Kurtis Garbutt
Kategori: x ART
Don´t be a cloud on a sunny day...get up..do what makes your heart beat faster.!
Kategori: Tips
artikel i veckorevyn.com angående finnar o dess uppkomst . Stämmer, stämmer ej?
Kategori: life
To live your Life away from someone you Love is a bit like breathing without lungs..
Kategori: life
If you want something you´ve never had...-Do something you´ve never done!
When you´re afraid, be brave & digg deeper
Do what you were born to do! Find the passion inside you!
"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!" - John Wayne
mostmotivational tumblr.com
Fear doesn´t shut you down
it Wakes you up!
Wake up , Be brave , Thank God it´s friday !
/ Domitila
Kategori: x Music
Let's get out of this town, baby we're on fire
Everyone around here seems to be going down, down
If you stick with me, I can take you higher, and higher
It feels like all of our friends are lost
Nobody's found, found, found
I got so scared, I thought no one could save me
You came along scooped me up like a baby
Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones
Kategori: life
What you see in others is a reflection of what you identify within yourself